Why Are Coral Reefs Important? | It’s An Underwater Ecosystem.

In this article, “Why Are Coral Reefs Important | It’s an Underwater Ecosystem,” we will explore the structure and inhabitants of this amazing beauty. Coral reefs play a significant role in maintaining life in and out of the ocean. To begin with, many creatures spend their lives there seeking protection from predators and other threats. Furthermore, life would not be […]

Fresh Sugar Cane Juice | Antique Mill

Fresh sugar cane juice using an antique mill may sound strange to many people. However, this was a popular old-fashioned process of making sugar the manual way. We pick up processed sugar in the stores without giving it a second thought. How did this refinement take place? Modern technology has made it easier than it was in former years. Once […]

Christmas Jamaican Traditions | Sorrel

Why are traditions important to people all over the world? During the Christmas Holidays, there are several Jamaican traditions which have been passed on throughout generations. One such tradition is drinking sorrel. It’s as important as eating the rich Christmas cake made with dried fruits soaked in rum and/or brandy for several months. Sorrel, as a part of Christmas tradition, […]

Swimming for Beginners | Can You Swim?

“Swimming for Beginners | Can You Swim?” starts with the question, “Can you swim?” This is one of the first questions I ask people I meet. I get a mixed response. It is amazing that many people from the islands do not even know how to swim. Some have no interest. As a lifeguard and swimming instructor, swimming is and […]

Learning Swimming Strokes | Here Are the Methods I Have Taught

“Learning Swimming Strokes | The Methods I Have Taught” shows swimming as an art and necessary life skill to have. It’s exciting and gets better with practice. As a lifeguard and swimming instructor, I have taught all the basic strokes in addition to advanced ones. Find a style you’re comfortable with or interchange them during your swimming routine. A Little History […]

Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation | How I Save Lives

Mouth-to-mouth Resuscitation has prevented many individuals from an untimely death. Drowning accounts for a large percentage of deaths each year globally. Many people living on the islands do not know how to swim so drowning incidents are high. Fortunately, there are qualified lifeguards, swimming instructors, and others who are trained in lifesaving techniques. There are also swimmers untrained in this area […]

Hector George Campbell, Montego Bay, Ja | Do You Know This Man?

Many people know him as Hector, Mr. Campbell, swimming instructor, and lifeguard from Montego Bay, Jamaica. Hector George Campbell is about people, the ocean, and farming. He’s known all over the world. It’s not unusual to mention swimming and the first name you hear is Hector Campbell. Hector’s Love for People | An Influencer You can call him a philanthropist. […]